Friday, September 28, 2007

5 Day Break

So far on this 5 day break I was looking for some good riding weather. Well it is not here yet. Yesterday I went out and for a moderate ride(3 hours) and was greeted by some nice rain showers. They were nice but it made it more humid then already was.

Today I said it is supposed to be windy so I decided to get up at the crack of dawn for a ride today. It was supposed to be nice and sunny and once again it was nice and cloudy with some moderate wind. Well I went out any way since I could use some good cardio miles. I headed out for a journey. I ended up out in Pungo for a nice senic ride and back to the oceanfront. And still no SUN when is it going to come out. No picutres becasue it looked like rain the whole ride so I left the camera at home. Hope the other 3 days are better with some sun! See you on the road!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Birthday

Well today is my birthday and I started the day going to DVM. Man it must be nice to have a job that you can open the doors 10 mins late and then not even call the first person up to the counter til 15 mins later. Glad that is done 35 mins to complete a 3 min transaction and I was the 3rd person to get called up. Well then I pulled up in my drive way and seen this lady jogging down the street and did not look familiar to me at all. So did not pay much attention to her at all, I live at a dead end street and did not see her start running the other way. So I went to see what the heck she was doing. Well when I found her in the horseshoe pit area that we have she was hugging a tree. WOW. I could not believe I was seeing that. Wish I had my camera so I could have gotten a shot of that. She told me that is was giving her some energy to make it back home. I was like ok but get lost lady. Then since the wind was crazy today I decided to take the longboard out today and get in some cardio in. Hope the wind will die for tomorrow and I can get a long ride in that is needed. Well off to dinner with the family! See you on the road.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Long Week

WOW what a long week at work. Working every other day at the firehouse makes a long week. We did not run alot of calls either making it very long days. Went out for a couple rode rides this week not to mount to alot. Just taking it easy. Well need rest week though. Hopefully next week will bring less wind and more sun for some good ridding.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

SM 100

Well I finished the SM 100 on Sunday! WOW what a adventure that was. Thanks to XXXTodd and Nichole for the ride up to the race and back. Well on saturday when we arrived at the race site XXXTodd and I prerode the last 6-8 miles of the course. Im glad we did that on saturday because it really helped with me finishing in the dark.
Well on sunday morning we started this race aporx 6:30 am. Off the race started with the frist crack of daylight. The first of the 6 climbs was not to bad but I was just sitting in and not trying to blow up in the first couple hours of the race knowing it was to take like at least 12-14 hours to complete. After getting up to the top of the climb the first downhill was pretty easy and I was able to handle it with no problem. Then off to the second climb boy that was a narly climb and decent. I ended up hiking up to the top along with a crowd of riders. The downhill was sick I was getting a little nervous but made it down it and off to the 2nd aid station. That is where I removed so clothes and recived full water bottles and had some food. Then off to 2 more climbs and some more downhills. After about 6 hours into the race I started to get some cramps in my legs but nothing to hold me back I was just trying to power through it and if I had to I would get off the bike and started hiking up the climbs with my bike until either I could climb or the cramps would go away. Well finally made it to the aid station 4. Got some lube on the chain from the great aid station volunters, some food and drink mix. Then I was off to the 18 mile(aprox) climb where I did not think the climb was going to end. Man that was a draining climb I tried to save some energy for that climb but dont think I had any left. But I made it up to it somehow. Finally I saw that I was heading for aid station 6 where I only had like 12 miles to go. I know I had pre rode like 6-8 miles of it so I felt pretty good with the downhill part. Well I got to the top and I had to turn the light on and away I went for a small climb and then the downhill to the finish. Man what a great adventure that was. Thanks to XXXTodd for the words of wisdom that really kept me going through the race. W.ell not to bad of time for only being on a mountain bike for about a handful of times. 14:07 was my time.
Stole a few pictures from Todd and Nichole.